More than 41 percent of the growth in flu vaccination intake shots by providing information flyers and videos, along with personalized questions for the patients. ...
Patients during cardiac arrests have a 90 percent higher chance of surviving if the newly advanced ECPR procedure is given instead of CPR. ...
The number of people who are suffering from heart failure drastically reduces when their emotional problems, such as anxiety and depression, are managed. ...
Leprosy cases in the US are rising, where Florida tops the spot with the maximum number of cases; experts say it is generally associated with contact with armadillos. Based on World Health Organization (WHO) statistics, the disease, with an annual ...
Diabetes disease in women brings complications and fewer children, as per the experts; expert-patient discussions bring key points in curing such diseases. ...
The AMA and CDC are stressing measles vaccine intake as the number of international trips by families with vaccinated or unvaccinated children is rising. ...
The number of patients with whooping cough (formerly known as pertussis) is increasing all over the country which resulted in 28 people affected by it during the first week of January in the Czech Republic. ...
Causes behind long COVID are being researched to unravel the intricate nature of those symptoms, mostly by detecting the biomarkers that are unique to every patient. ...
Drugs such as Adderall consumed to raise concentration in studies have led to various health concerns who are overconsuming them. ...
As the current measles outbreak in Chicago's migrant shelter demonstrates, rapid healthcare solutions, advocacy, and collective stepping up efforts to combat the growing health-related problems of the vulnerable communities is an inevitable need. ...