Abuse of “study drugs” such as Adderall is causing indirect addiction among students!

Drugs such as Adderall consumed to raise concentration
Drugs such as Adderall consumed to raise concentration. Credit | Getty images

United States: Students who abuse drugs like Adderall at college to increase concentration in their studies could be on the precipice of different serious issues.

More about the study

Scientists interviewed 700 students from the USA who were attending colleges and asked about drugs which include ADHD medication Adderall, cannabis, nicotine, alcohol, MDMA, and ecstasy that students most frequently use. Moreover, they were asked about the academic performance of the students and their physical and mental stress.

The researchers additionally discovered that the use of one substance directs the brain to use another other.

Lina Begdache, who is an associate professor of the health and wellness studies at Binghamton University, State University of New York, is the lead author of it; she asserts that the data does reveal the fact that the majority of the students use prescribed stimulants without conscientiously knowing of mental health disorders, per the US News.

A recently published paper in the International Journal of Psychological and Behavioral Sciences presents the results of their study as its findings.

ADHD drug misuse by students

Visual Representation – ADHD Drug. Credit | Getty images

Adderall is a drug that treats patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), helping them to focus.

Begdache added in a university news release, “Since these are prescribed medications to promote focus in individuals who actually have ADHD, students may think that they are safe to use and that the drug may give them an academic edge,” as US News reported.

Scientists have found that the use of one particular drug contributes to often poorer mental health and reduced ability to cope with stress. And lower use frequency had mental distress leading – which is one of the symptoms that possibly encourage more use.

How do substances react to the brain and lead to its abuse?

Bedache added, “Substance use promotes the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is responsible for the initial euphoria and feelings of pleasure,” and, “The continuous activation of the limbic system through drug use leads to dependence, in a sense that this substance is no longer producing pleasurable feelings, individuals have to either increase the dose or resort to something more potent.”

Begdache leads the Binghamton student-managed Adderall research team to assess the possible poor impacts of Adderall abuse among college students.

She said, “The repeated feedback we receive from students is that they wish they knew this information earlier,” and, “Lack of education and peer pressure are the main drivers.”