United States: February is American Heart Month which is also a very good time to find out about your cardiovascular health because a lot depends on it.
Factors on various levels linked to heart health among women aged 50 and above need special attention as per the experts.
CVD (Cardiovascular Disease) is one of the main health problems for Americans
According to an expert (Dr. Stacey Rosen, a cardiologist in New York and based in New York), most of the deaths due to CVD (Cardiovascular disease) are the leading underlying cause.
About 45 percent of women 20 years or more of age are living with some type of CVD, as reported by Fox News Digital.
She added further, that risks directly act on a gender-specific basis including history of the menstrual cycle and negative effects of pregnancy situation.
She said, “Other sex-specific risk factors include anxiety and depression, increased risk due to certain treatments for breast cancer, and rheumatologic conditions,” as Fox News Digital reported.
Risks associated with heart health in women over 50 – Experts
The chief medical officer of WebMD, who is based in Washington, D.C, Dr. John Whyte said there are some major risk factors for women who are over 50 years – experience menopause.
He added, “The decrease in estrogen levels after menopause is linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease,” and, “That’s one of the reasons [we see an] increase in heart attacks around this age.”
Additionally, Whyte said, that high levels of blood pressure and cholesterol rise with rising age, and therefore curing it becomes more challenging to control,”
He further added, “Changes in cholesterol levels, including increases in ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol and decreases in ‘good’ HDL cholesterol, can elevate heart disease risk,” as Fox News Digital reported.
Other risks associated with diabetes increase with age and further majorly impact the chances of having heart-related diseases.
He added, “Lack of physical activity can increase the risk of heart disease and other co-morbid conditions,” as Fox News Digital stated.
Symptoms related to noteworthy chest pain – Experts
There are various kinds of heart-related are experienced by women more than their counterparts in men.
Among women, they experience unusual or extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, and indigestion.
According to experts, the often-overlooked pain is jaw, neck, and upper back pain, since on their occurrence no chest pain is generally associated with the heart attack.
Rosen of New York said, “The symptoms women experience with heart disease can often be different,” and “Don’t ignore new symptoms like fatigue, breathlessness or indigestion,” as Fox News Digital reported.
What are the recommended routines for monitoring heart health?
Whyte added that several routine exams are there to monitor heart health.
Moreover, the doctors say that screening of blood pressure is “crucial,” and therefore doctors said, “hypertension is a silent killer.”
Additionally, the checkup of cholesterol profile every year would take an eye on levels of HDL (“good” cholesterol), LDL (“bad” cholesterol), and triglyceride (lipid fats).
Whyte added, “The key is not just total cholesterol, but also LDL,” as Fox News Digital reported.
Blood glucose tests are equally important in monitoring diabetes; which is one of “the significant risk factors for heart disease.” Moreover, a coronary calcium score will be used to determine the risk.
Persons showing signs and symptoms or the ones at a high risk of having cardiac irregularities can check the same on EKG/ECG and experts recommend that.
Rosen said It’s “important to have a primary care clinician who knows you well and can help determine the need for further evaluation.”
She made a recommendation, “Develop a trusting, longitudinal relationship with a primary care clinician,” and, “This is the time to be a ‘good’ patient. Ask questions about prevention strategies and cardiovascular testing that is appropriate for you.”
Various strategies suggested by scientists for a healthy heart
As per the CDC, there are various preventable sort of things linked to changes in lifestyles, increasing awareness and knowledge. Moreover, Rosen said, it means that “your heart health is in your hands.”
As Fox News Digital reported, she added further, “Know your numbers — cholesterol, weight, waist circumference, blood pressure, blood sugar — as all are important risk factors that can be modified,” as Fox News Digital reported.
Further on a daily basis, according to Whyte various foods are known to encourage a healthy heart
There are various things such as fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants; fiber and nutrients from whole grains; various lean proteins from fish, poultry, etc; healthy fatty acids from nuts and seeds; legumes containing fiber and protein, and oxidation from coffee and tea.
To eliminate such food containing saturated and trans fats, and is found in cheese, butter, processed foods, and red meat, as experts said.
In order to prevent obesity and diabetes, the elimination of the usage of excess salts in order to prevent raised blood pressure, and also removing foods containing foods full of sugar and drinks.
Women over the age of 50 should engage in regular physical activity that includes at least 150 minutes or 75 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week or vigorous activity.
He advised, “Start anywhere,” and, Do “10 [minutes] a day or 4,000 steps a day … and slowly increase. Don’t get discouraged thinking you can’t do 150 [minutes].”
Staying a healthy weight with a balanced diet and exercise will also help fend off heart problems and in addition to that, quitting smoking, limiting the amount of alcohol taken, and managing stress.
Whyte suggested women attempt to use stress-reducing techniques like meditation or deep breathing and make sure they get enough sleep.
He said, “Aim for seven to nine hours per night, as poor sleep can cause chronic inflammation,” as Fox News Digital reported.
Rosen said that being addition to eating healthy and exercising, women over 50 should also consider having enough sleep and good stress management.
She said, “Speak to your clinician to learn of the advances that have been made to assist in adhering to a healthy lifestyle,” and, “For example, we can manage issues with sleep disorders better than ever before. Don’t be afraid to ask.”
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